Monday, January 30, 2012

My cute boys!

We have been doing great lately. Thomas is enjoying school and work. He is only taking 6 credits his last semester and I think he feels weird with so much free time. I am just loving my modern dance class and enjoying every moment with my sweet little boy. Asher's vocabulary is just soaring and we are working really hard with the potty training. We have our days where I just want to pull my hair out but for the majority of the time we love our days. I applied for an in-home daycare job in which I can take Asher. It seems like it would be a lot of fun and hope it works out. We are loving out Primary Callings and I just love sharing singing time with the kids every week. The sweet spirit of those children sure is special.


  1. Yay, i am so glad that you blogged. That Asher is SO stinking adorable.

  2. I can't believe how old your little boy is getting...and he is so handsome. :) We miss you guys and we love to keep up with your happenings, so keep bloggin'! :)

  3. I love primary too! What fun pictures! You guys are such a beautiful family!

  4. What cute pictures! You guys look great! Did Thomas end up accepting that position down in Gunnison?


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