Thursday, October 14, 2010

Being Adopted

Today I had a cool experience. Today I stood in a line with a man, his hair looked like it hadn't been washed for days, his cloths looked ragged and torn. His countenance was one to fear but i was able to see a different side. I went to donate plasma today, i had a couple free hours because my boys were in Perry. This man told me he goes twice a week four weeks a month, becasue he doesn't have a job. I was studying for my abuse and neglect test and had my notes in hand. While donating he leaned over and said poliety

"Can i ask you a question," "Yes" I anwsered.
"I would be careful going into a field like that," he said. Why? I asked
"You have to deal with a lot of mean people," he said.
"My sons got taken away from me becasue I was smoking pot,"
I said " I was taken away from my home to when i was younger becasue I was in an abusive and neglectful situation to,"
"I know you loved you boys and I know that it was hard for you but i couldn't be more gratful for what my mother did for me when she gave me what i really needed"
I want to teach others that it's possible to have a really bad experience when young but still SUCCEED!
He started to cry, it was so sad. In that moment I had a much greater understanding of a man I though i never thought possible. At the same moment I couldn't be more grateful for my blessings and being adopted.
He had nothing else to say but that he though women were evil and the world is going to end in 2012.

When i got up I said to never give up, and to have a super amazing day :D
Sometimes you have to wonder if you made a difference, I hope somehow i did. 


  1. What a cool experience! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. that is so awesome. i'm glad you had to the courage to tell him how you felt about being adopted!

  3. Yeah, it's probably been better for me than it could ever be for you!! Loves all over--

  4. I am really impressed, what a moving story.

  5. You're a wonderful example to us all. I like how you were able to show so much strength at such a moment.


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